Monday, November 2, 2015

550 PLO at King's Casino - Day 2

550 PLO MTT at King's Casino for WSOP Circuit (International).
20000 starting chips at 25/50 blinds and 40 min. levels. One re-entry is allowed.

Final Table Chip Counts and Reads:
1 98,300 (seat 9 from last table) - middle/older aged player with card suits tatoo. He seemed to be a PLO regular and was playing highest stakes.
2 86,700 younger guy
3 149,900 younger male with black, slicked back hair
4 115,100 hero
5 59,900 younger male with headphones
6 158,000 (seat 8 from last table) - younger/middle aged male - player in higher stakes 10/25-25/50 PLO games that were running during the WSOP-C.
This player wanted to avoid continuing/playing out the entire tournament on day 1 (or even getting ITM).
7 163,000 mid aged male, first met at EPT Malta in various events (like Splitsville DC)
8 266,400 (seat 7 from last table) - older guy with cowboy style shirt (was very loose player in earlier play)
9 43,500 younger Arabic guy, also a PLO regular (although not at high stakes)

First Name Name Nationality Chipcount Seat
Stanislav Parkhomenko BUL 266.400 8
Mikhail Morozov LAT 163.000 7
Claus Carlsen DEN 158.100 6
Christian Nofal GER 149.900 3
Kenneth After USA 115.100 4
Marek Blasko SVK 98.300 1
Karel Wet CZE 86.700 2
Sebastian Langrock GER 59.900 5
Sea Yavuz GER 43.500 9


Play resumed at Level 13 with about 20 minutes remaining on the clock. We would play levels 13 and 14 before break. Afterwards, we would play levels 15 and 16 before the next break. Then the schedule would resume.

Level 13 - Blinds: 1200/2400

Hero dealt in UTG: Ax Ad Kx Jd

Hero (UTG): raises to 5000
Vil6 (UTG+2): calls
Vil3 (BB): calls

(3 players - 16200 in pot)
Flop: 7h 6s 5d
Vil3: checks
Hero: checks
Vil6: bets 15000
Vil3: folds
Hero: folds

Preflop: Standard. This gives an opportunity to reraise.
Flop: Standard fold. Hero missed board completely and has no fold equity.

Hero dealt in BB: Ad Ac 4s 4h

(folds to Vil6)
Vil6 (UTG+1): raises to 6000
Hero (BB): calls

(2 players - 13200 in pot)
Flop: Ts 3h 2c
Hero: checks
Vil6: checks

(2 players - 13200 in pot)
Turn: Ts 3h 2c Qh
Hero: bets 7000
Vil6: raises to 20000
Hero: folds

Preflop: Hero could reraise preflop, but stacks are too deep.
Flop: Hero likely check/calls this flop with possibly best hand (and some redraws to sets or straights).
Turn: Hero decides to bet for value and price out draws. A worse Qxxx or Txxx may call. Vil6's raise could be on a steal, but it also hit a lot of broadway type rundowns. Hero decides to fold since hero could be way behind.

Hero made a nitty fold with 9x 6x 5c 4c to an opening EP raise when in position.
Hero folded 9c 7c 5x 4x in BB to a Vil8 PFR raise and Vil9 reraised pot.

Hero dealt in CO: 7x 6d 5d 2x

Vil9 (UTG): calls
(folds to hero)
Hero (CO): calls
Vil5 (But): calls
Vil6 (SB): calls
Vil7: checks

(5 players - 12000 in pot)
Flop: 5x 4d 3d
Vil6: checks
Vil7: checks
Vil9: checks
Hero: bets 11000
Vil5: raises to 50000
Vil6: folds
Vil7: folds
Vil9: folds
Hero: reraises all in
Vil5: calls (less chips)

Vil5: shows Tx 7x 6x 5d
Board: 5x 4d 3d Kc Ts

Hero and Vil5 chop pot.

Preflop: Standard, although this is the lowest rundown hero would call.
Flop: Standard. Hero has a huge redraw and is freerolling well against another opponent.

Seat 9 gets eliminated within first 30 minutes. 8 players left.

Level 14 - Blinds: 1500/3000

Hero dealt in UTG+1: Ax Kc Qx 7c

(folds to Hero)
Hero (UTG+1): raises to 6500
Vil7 (CO): reraises pot (
Hero: thought for a while and remembered that Vil7 was TAG (like hero) and folds.

Preflop: This is a little loose UTG+1, but hero decides to raise AKQ Kxxx suited. When tight villain reraises, hero folds since there is a great fear of domination by AAxx and KKxx.

Hero dealt in CO: Ad Kc 7c 2d

Vil8 (UTG): raises to 9000
Hero (CO): calls
Vil7 (BB): calls

(3 players - 28500 in pot)
Flop: Ac Kh 7h
Vil7: checks
Vil8: checks
Hero: bets 15000
Vil7: folds
Vil8: folds

Preflop: Standard.
Flop: Hero bets top 2 pair/no redraw. Would hero bet/call? Likely.

Seat 2 gets eliminated sometime in level 15 (or possibly level 16). 7 players left. On the bubble.
The chip leader wanted to give €100 to the bubble person. This was eventually agreed upon by everyone.

Level 16 - Blinds: 2500/5000

Hero saw this hand preflop:
Vil8 (260k): raised
Vil1 (70k): reraised all in
Vil8: called

Vil8: showed 9987r
Vil1: showed T652r

Board: 4x 7h 3h 5x 8h

Vil1 also made a 3b/fold bluff against Vil6 (likely).
Overall, Vil1 was a maniac for parts of the final table and doubled a couple times on some rather questionable all in preflop hand selection.
Vil7 had lost a bunch of pots and was raise/folding preflop too.

Hero's stack at Level 17 break: 85000 @ 3000/6000 Blinds.

Hero dealt in SB: Tc 9d 8c 7d

(folds to Vil6)
Vil6 (HJ, 150k): raises to 15000
Vil3 (But, 120k): calls
Hero (SB, 57k): calls
Vil5 (BB): folds

(3 players - 48000 in pot)
Flop: Th 8d 2c
(all players check)

(3 players - 48000 in pot)
Turn: Th 8d 2c Jd
Hero: bets 42000 (all in)
Vil5: folds
Vil6: folds

Preflop: Standard. There is little fold equity and hero would be equity underdog by reraising preflop.
Flop: This may have been a better spot to donk bet all in. Hero thought the likelihood of a cbet was higher though, so hero decided to check.
Turn: Hero could have slowplayed on this street too, but hero decides to bet with the (now) second nuts. Hero takes down the pot.

Hero's stack: 90k

The bubble bursts after about 2+ hours of bubble play. Unfortunately, hero saw friend in seat 7 become the bubble person.

Table Reads with 6 Players Left:

1 ~160k maniac in spots, (seat 9 from last table) - middle/older aged player with card suits tatoo. He seemed to be a PLO regular and was playing highest stakes.
2 ~95k younger guy
4 ~93k hero
5 188k younger male with headphones
6 ~200k (seat 8 from last table) - younger/middle aged male - player in higher stakes 10/25-25/50 PLO games that were running during the WSOP-C.
This player wanted to avoid continuing/playing out the entire tournament on day 1 (or even getting ITM).
8 ~330k (seat 7 from last table) - older guy with cowboy style shirt (was very loose player in earlier play)

Level 18 - Blinds: 4000/8000
Hero dealt in CO: Ax Ax 7x 5x (rainbow)

Vil1 (UTG): folds
Vil2 (HJ): calls
Hero (CO): calls
Vil5 (But): calls
Vil6 (SB): calls
Vil8 (BB): checks

(5 players - 40000 in pot)
Flop: 9x 4x 3x (rainbow)
Vil6: checks
Vil8: checks
Vil2: bets 15000
Hero: raises all in (45000)
Vil5: folds
Vil6: reraises all in
Vil8: folds
Vil2: thinks for a little bit, then folds.

Vil6: shows Q99x (Q992?) rainbow

Board: 9c 4d 3h Jc Ks

Preflop: At the time, Hero did not want to setup a bet/call it off spot if villain donk bets any flop. Honestly, it should have been a raise though in general because hero only has 12BBs and would be calling off most flops anyway. Hero might be able to isolate and take it down.
Flop: Hero still flopped fairly well with double gutter and likely best hand if ace comes. Unfortunately, hero runs into top of villain range (which is expected given reraise).

Talking with seat 4 after HU play.
The eventual winner was trying to strike a deal.
At first, seat 4 resisted and got some extra chips.
Eventually, seat 4 lost some chips and they chopped (including getting a free vacation).
Hero is not sure if deal was officially sanctioned or if it was "under the table".

Hero out in 6th place of 51 entries (including re-entries).
2 * 550€ -> 1546€

Overall Thoughts:
Hero was very fortunate to be in day 2 given some less than optimal play. Hero did not have many good opportunities and missed on a large freeroll. When hero's stack dropped a bunch, hero tightened up and waited for other players to bust. It was appropriate play since hero became relatively short stacked (20BBs) and a probable bubble candidate.

The field was soft in spots early on, but the final table was really tough. There was 1 relative soft spot, while the rest are either very good players or high stakes PLO cash game players. Hero was fortunate to cash.
Additionally, it was the longest bubble hero experienced (2+ hours).

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